Monthly Archives: June 2012

Gas Prices Declining for the Summer

News clip from Associated Press about how gas prices are dropping during the summer season.


Gas Prices-Vancouver Island BC

News clip from CTV, about how gas prices are dropping in that region.


Will Obama Be Credited for Lowering Gas Prices?

Cenk Uygur from The Young Turks speaks on the Republican party giving Obama credit for lowering gas prices.


Why are Gas Prices So High?

The Young Turks feature Cenk Uygur who talks about who has control over gas prices.


Gas Price Explanation

Brief animated video by Omid Malekan about gas prices in America.


Stem Cell Research-Stem Cells and Morality

Sam Harris talks about how religion affects stem cells research and its funding.


Stem Cell Reserach-Moira Gunn

Dr. Moira Gunn talks about how stem cell research laws affect stem cell researchers.


Funding Ban on Stem Cell Reasearch is lifted by Obama

Video about how Obama lifts stem cell research funding ban placed by Bush.


Guns Reduce Crime Debate-Part 13

Segment thirteen of the guns reduce crime debate.


Guns Reduce Crime Debate-Part 12

Segment twelve of the guns reduce crime debate.